PM123's object info dialog and tag editor

Tag editor

Meta Info Editor

PM123's file info editor is quite simple. It can be invoked for the current file from the main menu or by pressing Shift+Ctrl+E on the player window. You can also edit the info of the files in the playlist by selecting Edit file info from the playlists context menu or by pressing Shift+Ctrl+E in the playlist or playlist manager.

The checkboxes right to each entry field select whether the specified field is overwritten. This can make a difference e.g. for MP3 files when the ID3v1.x tag and the ID3v2 tag are different. In this case both may be overwritten when the appropriate box is checked depending on the settings in the mpg123 plug-in.

If the selected object does not support writing of the tag, like internet streams, the buttons are disabled.

If the plug-in for the current file supports an alternative tag editor (like mpg123 does), this editor is preferred over the built-in one.

Edit tags of multiple files

Multiple Tag Editor

You also can set the info for several files at once. Select more than one file in playlist, invoke File Info Editor, fill the necessary fields, select choices on the right and press the Apply. By default only the boxes of fields, that have identical values for all selected files, are checked.

View technical info

Technical information viewer

Also you can see some technical info about selected items(s). This also applies to playlists.

File size
Physical file size of the currently selected item.
total file size
Total file size of all included song items (without playlists).
Playing time
Total playing time of all selected items.
No. of items (playlists only)
Number of items in the currently selected playlist. This does not include songs in nested playlists.
No. of Songs (playlist only)
Number of songs including the ones in nested playlists.
Average bit rate of all selected items.
Sampling rate (songs only)
Sampling rate of the current song.
Channels (song only)
Number of Channels of the current song. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo.
Decoder plug-in of the currently selected items (if unique).
Info string
Technical information string of the currently selected items (if unique).
Replay gain and peak gain
Psychoacoustic values of Replay Gain used for playback with homogeneous loudness.