PM123's Remote command reference - OPTION command

The option commands accepts the following keys:

Option Description
altslider[={song|song,time|time}] Alternate slider mode.
altbutton[={alt|ctrl|shift}] Alternate slider button.
autorestart[={on|off}] (1.) Restart playback at start of player.
autosave[={on|off}] (1.) Auto save all modified playlists on exit.
autouse[={on|off}] (1.) Auto use playlist on add.
bufferlevel[=percent] Fill the read ahead buffer up to this level in % before playing.
(see also bufferwait)
buffersize[=size_kb] Size of read ahead buffer for playback in kiB.
bufferwait[={on|off}] (1.) Fill the read ahead buffer before playing.
conntimeout[=seconds] Timeout for http connection in seconds.
discardseed[={on|off}] (1.) Discard shuffle sequence if shuffle is disabled.
dndrecurse[={on|off}] (1.) Recurse into directory at drag and drop.
dockmargin[=pixels] Maximum number of pixels when windows dock. (see also dockwindows)
dockwindows[={on|off}] (1.) Dock windows at PM123 main window.
floatontop[={on|off}] (1.) Always keep PM123 window on top.
foldersfirst[={on|off}] (1.) Place subfolders before content in recursive mode.
font[={1|2|size.font}] Previous setting or empty string on error.
keeproot[={on|off}] (1.) Keep the current playlist if a sub item of it is loaded.
pipe[=pipe_name] Name of the remote pipe, must start with \PIPE\. (3.)
playonload[={on|off}] (1.) Auto play on load.
playlistwrap[={on|off}] (1.) Prev/next at the end of a playlist wraps around.
plitemaction[={enqueue|load|navigate}] Action to take when a playlist item is double clicked.
proxyauth[=username[:password]] Proxy server authentication.
Note that the password is stored unencrypted in PM123.ini.
proxyserver[=servername[:port]] Proxy server and port for http streams.
queueatcommand[={on|off}] (1.) Append command line item(s) to default playlist. (2.)
queueatdnd[={on|off}] (1.) Append drag and drop item(s) to default playlist. (2.)
queuedelplayed[={on|off}] (1.) Remove played items from the default playlist.
restrictlength[=chars] Restrict length of meta data in PM123 display to at most chars characters.
restrictmeta[={on|off}] (1.) Restrict length of meta data in PM123 display.
resumeatstartup[={on|off}] (1.) Continue playing at player start-up.
retainposonexit[={on|off}] (1.) Retain playing position on exit.
retainposonstop[={on|off}] (1.) Retain playing position on stop.
size[={0|normal|regular | 1|small| 2|tiny}] The player size.
skin[=file] Current skin file.
textdisplay[={file|tag|info}] Display text in the player. File name, ID3 tag or technical info.
scrollaround[={on|off}] (1.) Scroll display text around instead of forward and backward.
scrollmode[={infinite|once|none}] Scroll display text if it does not fit in the window.
windowposbyobj[={on|off}] (1.) Save window positions per playlist object.
workersdlg[=count] Dialog worker threads. (high priority queue)
workersnorm[=count] Background worker threads. (low priority queue)


  1. All boolean parameters may use on, 1, true or yes for the logical value true and off, 0, false or no for false. The token toggle flips the current setting.

  2. Normally signle items are immediately loaded into the player and the current playback stops. Multiple items replace the default playlist. With the queueat... options the default playlist ist always appended. No Playback will be stopped.

  3. If you write the pipe option, this will kill any active pipe session. You will not even get a reply.