PM123's Remote command reference - Configuration control

Command Description Reply
version Return the PM123 core version. 1.41 alpha 4 (for example)
option <name>[=<new value>] Sets or queries an option value. If <new value> is missing only the current value is returned. Previous setting or empty string on error.
default <name> [reset|query] reset or no subcommand: resets an option value to ist default.
query: return the default value.
Previous setting, default value in case of sub command query or empty string on error.
autouse [on|off|toggle] (1.) Deprecated, use option autouse.
Reads or sets 'auto use playlist on add'. Without an argument only the current setting is returned.
Previous setting or empty string on error.
playonload [on|off|toggle] (1.) Deprecated, use option playonload.
Reads or sets 'auto play on load'. Without an argument only the current setting is returned.
Previous setting or empty string on error.
float [on|off|toggle] (1.) Deprecated, use option floatontop.
Reads or sets 'float on top'. Without an argument only the current setting is returned.
Previous setting or empty string on error.


  1. All boolean parameters may use on, 1, true or yes for the logical value true and off, 0, false or no for false. The token toggle flips the current setting.

  2. Plug-in types are decoder, filter, output and visual. More than one type can be specified separated by comma.