PM123's Remote command reference - General commands


This command returns the messages that have been recorded since the last call to this command. The command is destructive. Each message is returned only once.

Each message come in a single line. Each line is preceded with the severity level of the message:

E - error
W - warning
I - information

Newlines in the message body are escaped by <ESC>r and <ESC>n to keep the messages within a single line. Escape characters itself are doubled (<ESC><ESC>). As usual the list is terminated by an empty line.

cd [<base-url>]

Set base directory for URL and file lookups. This will be used to resolve not full qualified URLs or file names. The URL will not be validated.

The command returns the previous base directory or empty line if none. If <base-url> is omitted only the current value is returned.


Reset the remote interface to its initial state. This will clear the base URL set by the cd command, any the recorded messages returned by getmessages and resets the current playlist selected by playlist to PM123's default playlist.

The command has no reply.