PM123 playlist location and navigation strings

PM123 uses a special notation to store playing positions. These strings are used at

A location string defines an exact point inside a playlist or song. In case of playlists it is an entire call stack. A call stack in general consists of several parts separated by ';' or new-line (if the new-line character is allowed). URLs in the parts may be enclosed with double quotes (") to avoid confusion with special characters.

In case of navigation, the location string may also specify relative positions. This includes that you can also navigate to the parent with "..".



The first part navigates to the first occurrence of the file my_nested_playlist.lst in the current playlist.
The second part navigates to the second occurrence of my_favorite_song.mp3 in my_nested_playlist.lst. It is enclosed with quotes. In this case this is optional because the relative URL contains neither a semicolon nor square brackets at the end.
The last part navigates to the offset 3:44 within my_favorite_song.mp3.

+- my_favorite_song.mp3 (1) +- another_song.mp3 +- my_nested_playlist.lst +- my_favorite_song.mp3 (2) +- my_playlist.lst (3) +- another_song.mp3 +- my_favorite_song.mp3 Offset: 3:44 +- song_#3.mp3 +- my_favorite_song.mp3 +- song_#4.mp3 +- another_nested playlist.lst
  1. While this song is part of the location string it is not addressed because the navigation goes into the nested playlist my_nested_playlist.lst first.
  2. This item is skipped because the indexer [2] searches for the second location of this song.
  3. This recursive entry is skipped anyway.

All the following location strings also navigate to the same location as above.


The above utilizes the index navigation. If you omit the URL in a part all items within the particular playlist count. Note that this includes items that are skipped because they would create a recursion as in note 3. However, it is an error to address this item.


The flat navigation is identified by the leading asterisk. Flat navigation means that all all non-recursive songs in the nested playlists are taken as one linear playlist. Within this context it is the third instance of my_favorite_song.mp3. Therefore the index [3].


Using negative numbers you may do reverse navigation at some parts which may be applied to playlists as well as to songs. It is assumed that my_favorite_song.mp3 has a length of 5:18 in this case. Reverse navigation may be combined with flat navigation as shown in the second example.


Flat time navigation can be used to navigate within all songs of a playlist based on the total playing time. Assuming that another_song.mp3 has a length of 3:23 the total time index of our playing location is 21:06.

Playlist location syntax reference

To locate a playlist item use one of the following syntax variants:

It is an error to

If relative navigation is used remember that the current location is usually a song. So you need '..;' to get to the deep most playlist.

Time syntax

If the current item is a song you may only specify a time offset from the beginning. Syntax:

It is valid to specify offsets larger the one minute as seconds and so on.
Using a sufficient number of fractional digits it is possible to address locations with an accuracy of one sample. However, some decoder plug-ins may bend it.
You must not enclose time offsets with quotes.