VC4ASM - vc4.qinc include

↑ Top, expression predicated, VPM/VDC setup, bit operations, numerical constants, Broadcom compatibility

This file contains several useful macros for VC4 programming.
Use .include <vc4.qinc> in the source or the command line option -i vc4.qinc to use this file.

Expression predicates


Evaluates true if and only if x is a constant expression, i.e. no register, no semaphore and no label.
Evaluates true if x is a per QPU element constant expression. isLdPES is false when the constant contains negative values, isLdPEU is false when the constant contains values greater than 1.
Evaluates true if x is a constant expression that fits into a small immediate field.


  • isRegister(x)
  • Evaluates true if x is a register expression, including semaphore registers.
    Evaluates true if x is a register from register file A/B, including peripheral registers.
    Evaluates true if x is an accumulator, i.e. r0..r5.
    Evaluates true if x is a readable/writable register.
    Evaluates true if x is a register with an vector rotation attribute, e.g. r5<<2.
    Evaluates true if x is a semaphore register.

    VPM/VCD setup helpers

    See Broadcom Videocore IV Architecture Reference Guide for further details.

    VPM read/write

    Setup VPM read/write for num items starting at dma and incrementing dma by stride after each item.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a horizontal 32 bit transfer at position 0,y in VPM, i.e. QPU elements access 16 consecutive horizontal values in the VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a horizontal 16 bit packed transfer at position 0,y and half word h in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a horizontal 16 bit laned transfer at position 0,y and half word h in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a horizontal 8 bit packed transfer at position 0,y and byte b in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a horizontal 8 bit laned transfer at position 0,y and byte b in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a vertical 32 bit transfer at position x,y in VPM, i.e. QPU elements access 16 consecutive vertical values in the VPM. y must be a multiple of 16 in this mode.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a vertical 16 bit packed transfer at position x,y and half word h in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a vertical 16 bit laned transfer at position x,y and half word h in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a vertical 8 bit packed transfer at position x,y and byte b in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vpm_setup. Start a vertical 8 bit laned transfer at position x,y and byte b in VPM.

    VCD DMA write access (VDW)

    Setup VPM DMA write for units rows of length depth starting at dma.
    Setup VPM DMA write memory stride from the last item of a row to the first item of the next row. This function activates block mode, i.e. one row in memory is one row or column in VPM.
    Setup VPM DMA write memory stride from the last item of a row to the first item of the next row. This function activates packed mode.
    Macro for dma component of vdw_setup_0. Start a horizontal 32 bit transfer at position x,y in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are horizontally aligned in VPM. The y component is incremented after each row.
    Macro for dma component of vdw_setup_0. Start a horizontal, packed 16 bit transfer at position x,y half word h in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are horizontally aligned in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vdw_setup_0. Start a horizontal, packed 8 bit transfer at position x,y byte b in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are horizontally aligned in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vdw_setup_0. Start a vertical 32 bit transfer at position x,y in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are vertically aligned in VPM. The x component is incremented after each row.
    Macro for dma component of vdw_setup_0. Start a vertical, packed 16 bit transfer at position x,y half word h in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are vertically aligned in VPM.
    Macro for dma component of vdw_setup_0. Start a vertical, packed 8 bit transfer at position x,y byte b in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are vertically aligned in VPM.

    VCD DMA read access (VDR)

    Setup VPM DMA read for nrows rows of length rowlen starting at dma. mpitch is the distance of two rows in memory. It must either be a power of 2 or 0 to indicate that vdw_setup_1 has to be used.
    Setup VPM DMA read memory stride from the last item of a row to the first item of the next row.
    Macro for dma component of vdr_setup_0. Start a horizontal 32 bit transfer at position x,y in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are horizontally aligned in VPM. The y component is incremented by vpitch after each row.
    Macro for dma component of vdr_setup_0. Start a vertical 32 bit transfer at position x,y in VPM, i.e. elements in a row are vertically aligned in VPM. The y component is incremented by vpitch after each row.
    further modes need to be defined...

    Bit operations

    Number of set bits in x.
    Rightmost n bits of x in reversed order.
    Shorthand for reverseBits(x,4/8/16/32/64), also faster.
    Index of the highest set bit in x, i.e. 0 → -1, 1 → 0, 2 → 1, 3 → 1, 4 → 2 ...

    Numerical constants

    Name Value Description
    M_E 2.7182818284590452354 e (Euler number)
    M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 log2 e
    M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 log10 e
    M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 π
    M_2PI 6.28318530717958647693
    M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 π/2
    M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 π/4
    M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 1/π
    M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 2/π
    M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 2/√π
    M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 √2
    M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 1/√2
    M_NAN NaN not a number
    M_INF Inf infinity

    Broadcom compatibility helpers


    Alternative way to declare semaphore register sacq0..15 and srel0..15.