VC4ASM - Instruction extensions

↑ Top, ALU, mov, ldi, nop, read, Semaphore, Branch, Signal, Conditional assignment, Pack/unpack

Set flags

opcode.setf ...
opcode.sf ...
opcode destination.setf, ...
opcode destination.sf, ...

This flag causes an instruction to set the flags according to the destination value. See opcode table.

Conditional assignment

All ALU instructions and load immediate can use conditional assignment for the destination operand. The condition code can be applied to the opcode as well as to the destination operand.

opcode.ifcc destination, ...
opcode, ...
Condition code.
cc Flag Value Description
nz, zc Z 0 non zero
z, zs Z 1 zero
nn, nc N 0 non negative
n, ns N 1 negative
cc C 0 carry clear
c, cs C 1 carry set


mov.ifnz r0, ra7
mov r0.z, rb7

Pack and unpack

All ALU instructions including mov and ldi can be extended by pack operations.

opcode.packxx destination, ...
opcode destination.xx, ...
opcode.unpackxx ...
opcode ... source.xx
Pack or unpack mode.

Pack/unpack modes

Format: B[O][s][i|f]
B: number of bits in the packed format
O: offset in the packed data if packed data is less than 32 bit. a = least significant packed word, b = ...)
s: use saturation. This is ignored on unpack modes when assigned to a symbol.
i: use integer pack mode
f: use floating point pack mode, i.e. unpack type is float.

xx unpacked
pack unpack
conversion restrict destination conversion restrict source
32 any any 3 2 1 0 x
int32 int32 3 2 1 0 min(0x7fffffff, max(-0x80000000, x)) for add instruction,
min(0x80000000, max(-0x80000001, x)) for sub instruction,
other instructions seem not to support this pack mode.
reg A & add/sub only n/a
16a 16ai or 16af depending on the context (1)
16ai int16 int16 _ _ 1 0 x & 0xffff reg A & no float x reg A & no float
16af float32 float16 _ _ 1 0 x reg A & float only x reg A & float | r4
int32 int16 _ _ 1 0 min(0x7fff, max(-0x8000, x)) reg A & no float same as 16a(i)
16b 16ai or 16af depending on the context (1)
16bi int16 int16 1 0 _ _ x & 0xffff reg A & no float x reg A & no float
16bf float32 float16 1 0 _ _ x reg A & float only x reg A & float | r4
int32 int16 1 0 _ _ min(0x7fff, max(-0x8000, x)) reg A & no float same as 16b(i)
uint8 uint32 0 0 0 0 (x & 0xff) * 0x01010101 reg A n/a
8888si or 8888sf depending on the context (1) n/a
uint8 uint32 0 0 0 0 min(255, max(0, x)) * 0x01010101 reg A n/a
float32 uint32 0 0 0 0 min(255, max(0, x*255)) * 0x01010101 MUL ALU n/a
uint8 _ _ _ 0 same as 8ai 8ai or 8af depending on the context (1)
8ai uint8 uint8 _ _ _ 0 x & 0xff reg A x reg A & no float
8af float32 uint8 _ _ _ 0 n/a x / 255 reg A & float | r4
uint8 _ _ _ 0 8asi or 8asf depending on the context (1) same as 8a
8asi int32 uint8 _ _ _ 0 min(255, max(0, x)) reg A same as 8ai
8asf float32 uint8 _ _ _ 0 min(255, max(0, x*255)) MUL ALU same as 8af
uint8 _ _ 0 _ same as 8ai 8ai or 8af depending on the context (1)
8bi uint8 uint8 _ _ 0 _ x & 0xff reg A x reg A & no float
8bf float32 uint8 _ _ 0 _ n/a x / 255 reg A & float | r4
uint8 _ _ 0 _ 8asi or 8asf depending on the context (1) same as 8a
8bsi int32 uint8 _ _ 0 _ min(255, max(0, x)) reg A same as 8ai
8bsf float32 uint8 _ _ 0 _ min(255, max(0, x*255)) MUL ALU same as 8af
uint8 _ 0 _ _ same as 8ai 8ai or 8af depending on the context (1)
8ci uint8 uint8 _ 0 _ _ x & 0xff reg A x reg A & no float
8cf float32 uint8 _ 0 _ _ n/a x / 255 reg A & float | r4
uint8 _ 0 _ _ 8asi or 8asf depending on the context (1) same as 8a
8csi int32 uint8 _ 0 _ _ min(255, max(0, x)) reg A same as 8ai
8csf float32 uint8 _ 0 _ _ min(255, max(0, x*255)) MUL ALU same as 8af
uint8 0 _ _ _ same as 8ai 8ai or 8af depending on the context (1)
8di uint8 uint8 0 _ _ _ x & 0xff reg A x reg A & no float
8df float32 uint8 0 _ _ _ n/a x / 255 reg A & float | r4
uint8 0 _ _ _ 8asi or 8asf depending on the context (1) same as 8a
8dsi int32 uint8 0 _ _ _ min(255, max(0, x)) reg A same as 8ai
8dsf float32 uint8 0 _ _ _ min(255, max(0, x*255)) MUL ALU same as 8af
8dr uint32 uint8 0 _ _ _ n/a x * 0x01010101 reg A | r4

Note (1) It is strongly recommended to use the pack/unpack modes that specify whether an integer or floating point operation should be used. vc4asm tries to guess this otherwise but you should avoid surprises.