The following table shows the properties accessed per use case and the interface used for this purpose in the coding. In the second section the table shows the supported properties and interfaces by class/interface.
R - read access
W - write access
O - observer
Italic indicates indirect usage through delegation.
lowercase letters indicate local access.
Property →
↓ Task ↓ |
Display Name |
Status | Info | Slice | Children | Worker class | Uses class |
Loaded root object into the player | RW | RO | R | R | Ctrl | APlayable | |
Current object to play | RW | RO | Ctrl | APlayable | |||
Decode an object | |
Glue | Playable | ||||
Calculate time offset | R | Ctrl | SongIterator | ||||
Display timers and info | R | R | GUI | APlayable | |||
Enumerate Songs | R | R | RO | * | SongIterator | ||
Show/edit a playlist | RO | RWO | GUI | Playable | |||
Show/edit a playlist (items) | RO | RO | RWO | RO | GUI | PlayableInstance | |
Playlist item properties | RW | RO | GUI | PlayableInstance | |||
Save a playlist | R | R | GUI | Playable | |||
Save a playlist (items) | R | GUI | PlayableInstance | ||||
Remote playlist manipulation | RW | Pipe | Playable | ||||
Remote playlist manipulation (items) | RW | R | Pipe | PlayableInstance | |||
Drag & drop source | R | GUI | PlayableSlice | ||||
Add a playlist item | R | GUI | PlayableRef | ||||
Info dialog | RO | RWO | GUI | Playable | |||
Add a bookmark | R | GUI | PlayableRef | ||||
Display bookmark/MRU menu | RO | RO | RO | GUI | APlayable | ||
Add MRU | R | GUI, Pipe | PlayableSlice | ||||
Loading multiple items into PM123 | R | GUI, Pipe | PlayableRef | ||||
Asynchronous request service | W | APlayable | APlayable | ||||
Populating Playlist from decoder plug-in | w | Aplayable | PlayableRef | ||||
Property →
↓ Class ↓ |
Display Name |
Status | Info | Slice | Children | thread-safe | Base class |
APlayable | RO | RWO | RO | RO | O | RW | |
Playable | RO | RWO | RWO | ro | RWO | RW | APlayable |
PlayableSlice | RO | RWO | RO | RO | O | - |
APlayable |
PlayableRef | RO | RWO | RWO | RO | O | R | PlayableSlice |
PlayableInstance | RO | RWO | RWO | RO | O | R | PlayableRef |
lowercase letters indicate protected access.
Bold indicates implementation/redefinition.
Italic indicates indirect support through a referenced object.